ESF was retained by international financier to conduct due diligence and review of Environmental and Social Assessment for Kinangop Wind Power Project against International Finance Corporation Performance Standards and Equator Principles as well as to World Bank EHS Guidelines.
Kinangop Wind Park is a 60 MW wind farm in central Kenya. It will be one of the largest wind park investment in East Africa to date, and the first commercial project in the region. It is the first of a number of wind projects expected in the region. The total investment in the park is USD 150 million.
ESF Consultants was commissioned by a Turkish investor to conduct risk assessment with the main objectivity of identifying the environmental and social risks of the Wind Power Project.
The specific objectives of the study were to determine the risks on the environment that the wind power development would have and assess the magnitude of these risks and advice the client on the best approach to address them in order to ensure sustainability of the investment in renewable sector in Africa